Domestic Lumber

Lumber Prices

Quantity in board feet / Price per board foot (about board feet)

Due to the instability of the lumber market, prices are subject to immediate change.

4/4 Alder - Superior 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.30
4/4 (1") Ash 5.85 5.75 5.65 5.55 USA and Canada; light to medium brown; Commonly used for furniture, baseball bats, and millwork. Very easy to work with.
5/4 (1¼") 5.45 5.35 5.25 5.15
8/4 (2") 5.75 5.65 5.55 5.45
12/4 (3") 7.50 7.40 7.30 7.20
16/4 (4") 9.25 9.15 9.05 8.95
4/4 Basswood 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.45
8/4 4.75 4.65 4.55 4.45
16/4 7.95 7.85 7.75 7.65
4/4 Birch 4.95 4.85 4.75 4.65
4/4 Birdseye Maple 9.25 9.15 9.05 8.95
4/4 Aromatic Red Cedar 1-C 3.95 3.85 3.75 3.65
4/4 Cherry 5.25 5.15 5.05 4.95
5/4 6.45 6.35 6.25 6.15
8/4 6.95 6.85 6.75 6.65
12/4 7.95 7.85 7.75 7.65
4/4 Curly Maple/ Tiger Maple 6.25 6.15 6.05 5.95
5/4 7.75 7.65 7.55 7.45
8/4 8.95 8.85 8.75 8.65
4/4 Cypress 6.25 6.15 6.05 5.95
8/4 7.45 7.35 7.25 7.15
4/4 and 8/4 Fir (Douglas Fir) Call for pricing
4/4 Hard Maple 5.45 5.35 5.25 5.15
5/4 6.95 6.85 6.75 6.65
8/4 6.95 6.85 6.75 6.65
12/4 7.25 7.15 7.05 6.95
4/4 Hickory 3.45 3.35 3.25 3.15
5/4 4.75 4.65 4.55 4.45
8/4 5.95 5.85 5.75 5.65
4/4 Poplar 3.25 3.15 3.05 2.95 Eastern US; light yellowish brown; commonly used for molding, crafts, and furniture. Very soft and easy to work with. Stains well.
4/4 (10" & wider) 4.25 4.15 4.05 3.95
5/4 3.35 3.25 3.15 3.05
6/4 3.45 3.35 3.25 3.15
8/4 3.55 3.45 3.35 3.25
12/4, 16/4 4.75 4.65 4.55 4.45
4/4 Red Oak 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.45 Eastern US and Canada; light to medium brown with a reddish cast. Commonly used for cabinets and furniture due to it's durability.
4/4 (10" & wider) 4.95 4.85 4.75 4.65
5/4 3.95 3.85 3.75 3.65
8/4 4.35 4.25 4.15 3.90
4/4 Soft Maple 5.45 5.35 5.25 5.15 US and Canada; light to dark reddish brown; Commonly used for furniture and cabinetry.
5/4 5.95 5.85 5.75 5.65
8/4 6.75 6.65 6.55 6.45
4/4 Walnut 8.95 8.85 8.75 8.65 Eastern US; medium to dark chocolate brown; commonly used for furniture, gunstocks, cabinets, and turning. Easy to work with.
5/4 10.45 10.35 10.25 10.15
8/4 10.95 10.85 10.75 10.65
12/4 14.75 14.65 14.55 14.45
4/4 White Oak 7.95 7.85 7.75 7.65 Eastern US; light to medium brown; Commonly used for furniture, cabinetry, trim, and flooring. Easy to work with and rot resistant.
4/4 (8" & wider) 9.95 9.85 9.75 9.65
5/4 8.45 8.35 8.25 8.15
8/4 11.95 11.85 11.75 11.65
4/4 Quarter Sawn White Oak 9.95 9.85 9.75 9.65
5/4 9.95 9.85 9.75 9.65
8/4 12.75 12.65 12.55 12.45
4/4 White Pine (Knotty) 2.35 2.25 2.15 2.10
8/4 2.45 2.35 2.25 2.15
4/4 Wormy Maple 2.70 2.60 2.50 2.40
5/4 2.95 2.85 2.75 2.65
8/4 3.95 3.85 3.75 3.65
4/4 Yellow Pine (Clear) 2.95 2.85 2.75 2.65
8/4 2.95 2.85 2.75 2.65

Call for questions on inventory.

+1 (336) 449-9627

All prices given are for rough lumber.

  • S2S:  Surfaced two sides, add $0.80/bd.ft.

  • S3S:  Surface two sides and straightline rip one edge, add $1.25/bd.ft.

  • S4S:  Surface four sides; call for pricing.

All lumber is graded to National Hardwood Association Standards.

Western Red Cedar

Sound Tight Knot Grade

Size Actual Size Milling $/Bd. Ft. $/LF
1 x 47/8 x 3-1/2S1S2E4.151.38
1 x 67/8 x 5-1/2S1S2E5.202.60
1 x 87/8 x 7-1/4S1S2E5.953.97
1 x 107/8 X 9-1/4S1S2E7.956.63
1 x 127/8 x 11-1/4S1S2E8.978.97
2 x 41-1/2 x 3-1/2S4S3.602.40
2 x 61-1/2 x 5-1/2S4S4.004.00
2 x 81-1/2 x 7-1/4S4S6.1010.17
2 x 101-1/2 x 9-1/4S4S6.2510.42
4 x 43-1/2 x 3-1/2S4S6.258.33
6 x 65-1/2 x 5-1/2S4S8.7026.10

Large Timbers and A & Better Grade

Contact us for pricing on timbers larger than 6" x 6" as well as A & Better Western Red Cedar

All prices are subject to change without notice.
+1 (336) 449-9627